These some little known differences between brunettes and blondes based on some scientific research:

1. It takes blondes on average longer to get ready.
In 2009, a study with over 3000 participants found that blondes take six minutes longer to get ready than their darker-haired counterparts. Blondes spend on average 72 minutes per day on their beauty regimen, compared to sixty-six minutes in the case of brunettes.

2. Natural brunettes have less hair than natural blondes.
Natural blondes have between 120,000-147,000 hairs and brunettes have 100,000-120,000. This is logical, since evolutionary biology tells us hair evolved partly to protect the scalp against potentially harmful UV rays. Because darker hair has more pigment melanin it provides a more protective barrier. Therefore brunettes required less hair to accomplish the same protective function.

3. The preference of a man for a woman’s hair colour is based on his own hair color and life experiences.
Despite some reports stating that Caucasian men prefer fair-haired women to the contrary, a research found that brunette men preferred brunettes, while blonde men preferred both brunettes and blondes. Likewise, blonde, brunettes and red hair women all have preference towards dark-haired men. Research has also shown that men and women are drawn to certain partners based upon their intra-personal interactions with other people. For example, if you have always known brown-haired friends growing-up, but you have had to deal with a bully who is blonde, you will be more inclined to choose brown-haired partners in later life. This leads to a lot of sociological and psychological research that is beyond our scope.

4. Blonde waitresses (restaurant server) get better tips.
Blonde waitresses are receiving more tips than waitresses with darker hair, despite their perceived level of all-embracing attractiveness. Cornell University conducted a survey in 2009 of 482 waitresses and found that blondes received significantly more tips than their brunette counterparts despite their reported “sexiness”. What about the fifteen percent for standard service or twenty percent for the good service in total? Hmmm. We’re moving on.

5. Brunettes are more intelligent than their male counterparts upon their first encounter.
Research shows that women with darker hair as more intelligent during the first meet up. Although the reason behind this bias is not known, it may be due to the fact that most women tend to dye their hair more often than other colors. This means that blondes are more common than brunettes considering beyond a certain age. It also means that women tend to concentrate more on their looks and beauty are more likely to have blonde hair. However, with that in mind, there are still numerous intelligent blondes women out there. (We agree!)

6. Women who dye their hair lighter have more fun.
It is true that women who dye their hair lighter or blonder have been shown to be more outgoing (3 nights per week for blondes than 2 for brunettes) as well as feeling more youthful and confident. It is again not known why this phenomenon exists. It could be partly due to social influences. Most Hollywood stars are blonde. Another possibility is that Caucasian women were born with hair which will become darker as they age, so dyeing them will restore their youthful appearance. Another possibility is that blonde hair can be more accepting of skin imperfections than darker hair. This is why many women opt to lighten their hair as the ages progress as being blonde tends to conceal their age.

While all the information in this article comes from scientific literature and research, but this article is purely for entertainment. Many intelligent and beautiful women can be both brunette and blonde. Although each hair color can offer some minor benefits upon first impression, the truth is that most of the perceived benefits will be lost in favor of the more time-tested characteristics of its individual, such as integrity, honesty and benevolence.