Unnatural hair colours that look best with blue eyes

Did you know that just 8% of people on the planet have blue eyes? If you’re fortunate enough to have blue eyes, you belong to a tiny fraction of people with this unusual eye colour, even if you may not have known that this characteristic was so rare.

It might be challenging to choose a hair colour that complements your eyes, regardless of their hue. You have to take a lot of factors into account, like your skin tone, eye colour, age, and even hairdo. The decision on hair colour will be influenced by all of these elements. Knowing which colours complement blue eyes is important if you want to dye your hair a different colour and have blue eyes. Should you choose jet black or gash blonde hair? Do you prefer a more subdued auburn or would flaming red work?

We’ll examine some of the ideal hair hues for blue eyes. We’ll also explore the role that characteristics like skin tone have in this choice of hair colour as well as highlight some of the most well-known people in the world who have comparable combinations of hair and eyes colour. When will you choose your new hair colour?

The Scientific Basis Behind Blue Eyes

Your eyes’ colour is determined by a genetic lottery. Your parents’ eye colours play a very important role. When it comes to passing on eye colours, the rules of genetics require that:

The kid will have blue eyes if both of the parents do.

A person with brown eyes might also be an allele—or “carrier”—of the blue eye gene.

Thus, a child with blue eyes might theoretically be born to two parents who had brown eyes.

Even if both parents have the “allele” for blue eyes, there is only a 25% chance that the kid will have blue eyes. Instead, there is a 75% probability that the child will have brown eyes.

There is a less than 1% probability that the baby will have blue eyes if just one parent has the recessive gene for blue eyes and the other parent carries the dominant allele for brown eyes.

Being one of the rare people with blue eyes is already a statistical marvel, particularly if both of your parents have brown eyes.

Unusual hair hues that complement blue eyes include:

  • Copper
  • Peach
  • Golden blondes
  • Warm blondes
  • Vanilla tones

That is to say, best hair colour friends for blue eyes will mostly be the brilliant tones.

Where did we learn this?

We have to thank colourimetry for it. Colours that appear good are always those that complement the colour of your eyes or those that are directly across from them on the colour wheel.

Therefore, because violet, pale blue or blue tones would create minimal contrast with your eyes, you should avoid them in both your hair colour and your cosmetics.

How do you typically choose the colour of your hair? When you see someone changing their appearance, it can be due to an impulsiveness. Or do you deliberate and conduct your research before making a major decision?

Copper-coloured hair

The reality is that, as we have previously said, there are a variety of hues that may complement your features, skin tone, and overall look.

If you have blue eyes, the hues on the colour wheel that are directly opposite them will look best on you. Don’t worry if you don’t understand what we are saying; we know you probably don’t.

We are going to demonstrate to you how to use colourimetry to determine which colour would look best on you based on the hue of your eyes.

The Principles for Selecting An Unnatural Colour to Complement Your Blue Eyes

Try the following activity with some pencils, paper, and a piece of paper:

  1. Draw a triangle and then add colour at each of its angles.
  2. Put red in the third corner, blue in the second, and yellow in the first. Yes! The three main colours should be put on top.
  3. Put the secondary hues that result from combining the fundamental hues.
  4. Draw a circle between the colours red and blue, then fill it in with the hue created by combining the two. Do the same with yellow, blue, and red after that.
  5. You will have six distinct colours after the drawing is finished: blue, red, yellow, green, violet, and orange.

Imagine the blue to be your eyes and put yourself there. What hues in your artwork are in opposition to blue? Orange should be the warm hue directly across from it. Next, although not so completely opposing, are red and yellow.

What do we learn from this? that the complementary hue is always the one that complements us.

We may thus conclude that warm colours like gold, copper, or a little reddish complement blue eyes beautifully.

Does Ashy or Luminous Hair Colours Compliment Blue Eyes?

The finest hair companions for those with blue eyes are unquestionably those luminous colours. The goal is to highlight your eyes’ original hue. The best course of action is to always see a hair professional since more than just the colour of the eyes is being assessed.

There are a lot of other things that need to be considered as well, such as the colour of your skin, any past dyes or treatments you’ve had, which may or may not allow for a change, the colour of your hair naturally, etc.

When dying their hair, many individuals prefer to stay with hues that seem natural. For instance, having electric blue or brilliant pink hair may not be appropriate if you work in a professional role or need to maintain a certain image.

But you may also colour your hair with these unnatural and bold hues that go well with blue eyes if you’re confident enough to attempt it.

Some of your top choices are listed below:

White or platinum. Choose bright platinum or white hue if you want to compete with Elsa from Frozen. On someone with a light complexion and blue eyes, this will look amazing (like the Disney queen). Beware, pulling off this style will be quite difficult if you have a darker complexion and dark hair.

Pastel purple, blue or pink. Again, these light hues complement fair complexion and are well contrasted by blue eyes. These pastel colours could be challenging to wear and hard to pull off if your complexion has warmer tones.

Neon hair looks very amazing on those with a dark complexion. It takes a lot of confidence and self-assurance to pull off this appearance, but can you picture how stunning bright orange or neon pink would appear next to your dark complexion and blue eyes?

Vivid purple. All skin tones look excellent with this hair colour, which defies skin tones! If you have darker hair, technically it may take some time for your strands to become light enough to properly absorb the striking purple colour. Beware, these looks need tremendous dedication.

Going for an ombre or balayage effect with a pastel colour like pink or purple is a terrific way to add some wild colour without being too daring. The hair colour that is able to effectively frame your face will continue to be your current complementary hue in this fashion, and you may still experiment with hair colours at the hair ends.

What is the best way to highlight your eyes?

Additionally, we believe it’s important to note that your cosmetics will be just as crucial as your hair.

The hues that would provide the least contrast for your eyes are blue, violet, and light blue, so you may want to start by avoiding these.

It is advisable to use a bigger line above the eyelid and a very fine line underneath it. The under-eye line should be thin or even nonexistent if possible.

If you make your eyeliner excessively thick, your eyes will shrink too much, sink in, and you won’t be able to accept them.


Why do we need to change our appearance?

The fact is that every woman looks for a way to revitalize herself in terms of their look. It might be your clothing, accessories, or hair. In other words, we are always drawn to current trends in fashion. Why do we choose to alter our appearance?

Several things might spur us on to change. The main factor is that having healthy hair will certainly make us appear confident.

The texture, colour, and structure of our hair may produce intriguing changes by emphasizing or concealing certain physical characteristics of our bodies.

Some factors that influence us to modify our appearance include:

  • Fashion
  • Closing a stage in life
  • We feel more comfortable with ourselves.
  • Receiving expert suggestions
  • Changes in our body
  • Increasing self-esteem and self-love

Our complexion, eyes, or face may all be improved by a haircut or hair colour change.

Once we settle on a look, we often stay with it. But eventually, we become bored with it or have the urge to change and sometimes we are holding back the change out of fear.

We must keep in mind that if we wear the same colour or have the same haircut for an extended time, our appearance may ultimately become boring.

Do not be afraid to change your image! You can always go back to your previous look if you subsequently regret it.

Our sense of style is greatly influenced by fashion, and as fashion changes, so do colours and hairstyles. It’s nice to stick with a look that makes you feel attractive and at ease, but it’s also good to rejuvenate yourself by experimenting with other looks.

You have a lifetime to modify how you appear since the hair will never stop growing.

The haircuts that worked for us in the past may not be appropriate now since our bodies change with time. We should adjust our hair to match the changes in our bodies.

A change in appearance might result in an increase in self-esteem and a positive outlook. Going to the hairdresser and letting yourself be pampered is a great way to recover confidence and feel calm and revitalized.

A change in appearance may influence other aspects of your life, such as how you see things, how confident and secure you feel in yourself, how your relationships are with others, and how open you are to new experiences.

We often hide behind our hair and utilize it as a protective shield. Consequently, altering our appearance involves becoming more ostentatious and exposed. It may also assist us in altering our personalities, overcoming shyness, finding happiness, and even accepting our natural hair types.

Why not motivate yourself to make a change? Don’t be silent out of concern for what others may say. It’s crucial that you feel stunning, at ease, and confident so that others may feel the same way about you. Change with courage—good things will come of it!

The Importance of Skin Tone

We also need to consider the significance of skin tone when deciding on hair colour. Even if two individuals have dark hair and blue eyes, their skin tones may not be the same. It’s possible to have skin that may get sunburn easily and has a “cool” tinge to it. The other can appear warmer because of skin that tans from sun exposure.

It’s crucial to distinguish between skin colour and skin tone. Many people believe that “warm” tones refer to persons with a darker complexion than “cool” tones, which inevitably imply light skin. It’s not always the case like this. The beauty of our uniqueness is that we may all have light skin with warm undertones and dark complexion with cool undertones.

When picking a hair colour, your skin tone plays a huge role. After all, your hair always frames your face. You may appear sallow or washed-out if your hair colour is somewhat wrong and doesn’t complement your skin tone. That’s why as we examine some of the greatest hair colours for blue eyes, we’ll be considering the different skin tones.

What Hair Colour Goes Best with Blue Eyes?

… Cool Skin Tones

You probably have pink, blue, or purple undertones in your complexion if you have blue eyes and light skin. You don’t necessarily have pink or purple skin because of this. You just have ‘cool’ undertones, that’s all. You probably have blue and purple veins on your wrist, but someone with a fairer complexion would have green veins.

Blue eyes and cool-toned fair complexion complement a variety of hair hues. However, you are among the few people who can pull off blonde hair quite convincingly. Your fair complexion and bright eyes would make you seem more naturally blonde than brassy or artificial.

Try to stay away from “warm” blonde hues like honey and copper; for maximum effect, use ash blonde or platinum. For some major inspiration, consider Margot Robbie and Blake Lively. Always use caution when choosing extremely pale hair colours since bleaching may be necessary. If you have very sensitive skin or if the procedure is not done by a professional, bleaching your hair may irritate your scalp.

There’s always the option of switching to the dark side if you don’t want to be a blonde. Jet black hair is one of the most gorgeous hair colours for people with blue eyes, light complexion, and a cool skin tone. It’s extremely startling how drastically the hair has changed. With this eye-catching look, emulate Alexis Bledel, Katy Perry, and Zooey Deschanel.

After discussing both light and dark hair, what if you desire something in between? You might always choose to be a bit more adventurous and go with stunning red hair. With her traditional cool undertones, Emma Stone is the poster child for someone who can pull off the pale skin and blue eyes. This style works for Jessica Chastain and Christina Hendricks as well.

The secret is to use fairly vivid reds. You might also choose a hue with pink or strawberry undertones. This enhances the colour of your skin without making you seem washed out.

For blondes, use colours with the words “ash,” “golden,” or “cool.” Avoid using colours with brassy yellow undertones.

Avoid using chestnut or honey tones on brunettes.

Use pink undertones to counteract the pink in your complexion if you have red hair.

What shade of hair should I get?

… Warm Skin Tones

If you have a skin tone that falls on the opposite end of the range, you probably tan fairly quickly. You look much better with gold jewelry than with silver, and when you turn over your arm, you see green veins rather than blue ones. That is how you may tell whether your skin tone is warmer.

Platinum blonde and jet black are out since warm skin tones and tanned skin doesn’t often go well with strong hues. You’ll probably be searching for a hue on the spectrum that lies in between.

You have a lot of fantastic alternatives if you want to go blonde. Reese Witherspoon’s brown complexion and blue eyes are a typical illustration of someone who knows what looks well on them. Her hair complements her warm complexion, and her cold blue eyes stand out even in this warm environment.

Consider the stunning Megan Fox for a darker appearance. She often picks a deep brown with warm, lighter brown highlights since it complements her warm skin tone and stunning blue eyes. Instead of being just one hue, this gives the design some body and depth.

You can notice that Megan Fox used an almost-black tone in early photos. Her hair colour gradually becomes warmer as she and her hairdresser conclude that this is the strategy that best fits her.

Choose hues with the same degree of warmth in them if you want to get a startling redhead effect. If you have sun-prone skin, a soft cinnamon tone could accentuate your complexion and make your blue eyes stand out. Choose a deep coppery red if you have warm undertones and are fairly pale. Choose a vibrant, eye-catching red, like Rihanna, whose lighter eyes look amazing with such a strikingly different style if your skin tone is darker.

For blondes, you want hair that is warm and sun-kissed.

Again, for brunettes, use dark hues with milder undertones to soften them.

There are several options available for redheads, ranging from delicate cinnamon to strong, vibrant red.

… Neutral Skin Tones

There is such a thing as a neutral skin tone — and if you have one, you’re incredibly blessed! This implies that you may very much wear any hair colour and it will look good on you. There is a vast variety of hair tints and tones from which you may pick, but which ones are the best?

Determine which end of the spectrum you tend to gravitate toward as one piece of advice. Few individuals have the exact balance of warmth and coolness. Your skin tone is probably closer to one than the other.

You may put the so-called “white robe test” to the test. Tie your hair back first thing in the morning in the light of day, then put on a white robe or dressing gown. Another option is to wear a clean, white t-shirt or shirt. You incline toward the warm side if your skin has a little yellow tint. A cooler tone describes you if your complexion is rosy and pink.

You may still choose from the majority of hair colours as you are neutral. However, if you want a match that highlights your natural features and stunning blue eyes, use hues from your “side” of the colour wheel.

Here are some instances of famous people with neutral complexion who have changed their appearance for the better:

Although Naomi Watts has sometimes opted for honey or sun-kissed blonde hair, the cooler colours make her skin tone seem much more radiant.

Despite having a cooler undertone, Angelina Jolie has recently shown off some gorgeous warmer shades in her brunette hair. Her Salt-inspired warm blonde wig was really lovely.

When Zoe Saldana wears hues without any red undertones, her skin seems the finest. Colours without any copper or red tones work best for her since she is generally neutral but tends to tilt toward the chilly side of the spectrum.