
Brown Hair2024-08-29T22:52:41+08:00

Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through with Brown Hair

Brown is such an ordinary word, and it doesn’t begin to do justice to the incredible and beautiful range of brunette hair color shades. Whether you are a natural brunette or you have coloured your hair to attain the ideal shade of brownish, figure out strategies to improve, style and care for your distinctive hair requirements. You will find the brown hair care tips and hair colour trends only for our brunette besties.

shades of brown hair

For every colour line, there is always a unique name for each brown color tones such as the Image on left.

* Please note that there are different level of brightness and darkness of the colors as illustrated in each image as well.


Even though there are lots of strategies to have fun with shades of brownish hair, both of these techniques are a perfect place to get started.

Ombres on Brunettes: This technique produces a transition of hair color from brown to blond, beginning from the roots. For those with dark brown and light brown hair, this honey blonde ombre with red undertones will look fantastic.

Balayages for Brown Hair: This hair color technique demands a colourist to paint hair or bleach color on the hair, freehand. The result: subtle, natural-looking highlights. Considering that the highlights in this technique are normally a soft blonde, and also the base color is a slightly darker colour, it is fantastic for all those who have lighter brownish hair. This dreamy rose gold balayage demonstrates brunettes look equally like blondes do if sporting the metallic hair hues.

Keep It Natural: Not seeking to change your hair color, but still wish to present some TLC to your brunette hair?


While not as significant like leaping from brown to blonde, a transition from darker brown hues to lighter brunette certainly need serious thoughts. As lifting of hair will cause an impact on the quality of hair, our colourists will ensure you leaving the salon with a long-lasting colour and healthy hair quality. A toning during the colour process will assure that we will achieve the exact shade.

What to Consider When Choosing Your Brunette Shade

Every new hair color journey commence with selecting the perfect colour. Ranging from hair  of caramel brown which is the lighter end of this spectrum to hair of chestnut brown over the darker other side, there is a large varieties of brunette color shades to select from.


Selecting a color of brown which flatters both your complexion (fair, medium or deep and undertone warm, cool or neutral) is crucial. On this particular page, Hera’s artist proposes your perfect brunette hair color based on both considerations. Get a few additional suggestions from our Hera’s artists as they discover the well sought after brunette hair color trends according to your own undertone, from caramel copper brown for a warm subtle appearance to lived-in bronde to get a trendy, edgy effect.


Colour-treated hair is not the only kind of hair which requires more attention. If you are now rocking the brown locks you have been born with, it is well worth spending some excess time looking for the ideal products, remedies and approaches, in order for your hair to maintain the healthy and stunning appearance. Below are some simple ways to do this:


If you have natural brunette hair, you don’t need to be concerned about your hair color fading issues, concentrate on washing hair using products which works with your hair texture, and can achieve the outcome that you desired, such as softness or volume.


You may be surprised that not only blondes, even brown hair also turns brassy and your fun-filled summer holidays can hasten that process. To avoid or stop your hair from turning orange due to sun exposure, use products with UV protection When you know you are likely to spend hours out –and do not forget to reapply. Better still, wear hats or scarves to protect your locks, and also prevent becoming hair wet from the pool, because chlorine can dry your strands out and also lead to hair color changes.


Look no further, visit our Hera Hair Beauty salons and have a consultation with one of our highly skilled international colourist to discuss how our different advanced hair colour techniques will work for you.

To book your appointment  click here 

or call to book at +6592371254


Which shade of blonde will suit you?2020-06-10T02:42:37+08:00

1. Discover whether the skin is warmer or cooler toned — that can determine which blond tones work great for you personally. To do so only examine the veins in your wrist; whether they are mainly purple and blue you’ve got a cool undertone, when they’re largely green you’ve got a warmer undertone and if they’re a combination of the two, you are in possession of a neutral undertone — and hence more option.

2. Broadly, paler, pinky skin tones match cool, delicate blondes; like ash, beige or baby-blonde.

3. Darker or more yellowish / golden-toned skins match honey or golden shades; like butter, caramel, golden tones.

4. Consider the your eye color depth— just how much contrast do you desire? Soft, multi-tonal colors complement lighter eye colors, whereas deep, intense blondes flatter a darker eyes.

5. Consider the hair care — a allover platinum blonde needs routine visit to the colourist, whereas ombre is considerably low upkeep. Just how much are you ready to devote to this hair care regime?

How long does it take to get highlights at a salon ?2020-06-10T02:45:14+08:00

Broadly speaking, taking all factors into account, a full head highlighting service may require anywhere from 2-4 hours. Obviously, the more the hair, the more the time that it will take.

How often should you highlight hair?2020-06-10T02:47:44+08:00

All colour treatments and procedures ought to be performed every 3-5 weeks to achieve the best results. Doing this earlier isn’t necessary at all. Additionally, foil highlights must be performed every 6-8 weeks based on how much gap between your highlights and natural hair colour.

How long do hair highlights last?2020-06-10T02:50:34+08:00

For the majority of individuals, they notice that they should touch up their highlights each six to eight weeks. Our hair grows an average of half an inch each month, so by the end of 2 months, you’ll get an inch of your natural hair colour.

Can you highlight freshly dyed hair?2020-06-10T02:52:22+08:00

If you would like to add highlights for your freshly dyed hair, you ought to wait a couple of weeks prior to doing so since the various colour treatments can harm your hair if the dates are too near together.

Are highlights permanent?2020-06-10T02:55:16+08:00

Highlights can be accomplished in unnatural or natural hair colours. Hair colour highlights include four kinds of dyes: permanent, temporary, semi-permanent and demi-permanent. Hair lightened with permanent dyes or bleach will be lasting until hair grow out.

Do highlights ruin your hair?2020-06-10T02:58:18+08:00

No, they don’t damage hair just as much. Highlights and semi permeable dyes are not damaging, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have any negative outcomes. Using them are able to change the inner hair structure, thus entailing your hair to look dry and dull, especially if you frequently color your hair to conceal white or grey hair.

Do highlights fade after washing the hair?2020-06-10T03:01:49+08:00

No, they don’t fade immediately after washing your hair but that color have a tendency to begin to fade in a month or two after application. This is because of the simple fact that highlights are employed with bleach.

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