Does my hair need protein?

Everyone wants their hair to be strong and healthy, and using protein therapies on your hair regularly is one method to keep your hair in excellent shape and condition. A protein treatment for mane is a professional or at-home procedure that uses many nutrients from proteins to improve the hair’s overall health. Each vitamin has a particular function in the health of your hair.

If you want to color, relax, or bleach your hair, protein hair treatment are also excellent choices. Before receiving any chemical treatment, having adequate hair protein assists in strengthening the hair, reducing breakage, and extending the life of the color.

What Does a Protein Hair Treatment Do?

With the addition of proteins to your hair in a protein treatment strengthens, it will assist repair and strengthen your hair while also conditioning it. Even normal activities do a lot of harm to our hair. The major causes of hair damage include exposure to heat and sunlight, different hair products, and regular styling. Protein loss from the hair damage may result in split ends, dry hair ends, frizziness and roughness. Protein treatments make the hair healthier and more lustrous while reducing breakage and hair loss. They also assist to replenish the protein level in the hair.

By directly injecting hydrolyzed proteins into the hair follicle and hardening the cuticle layer, protein treatments are employed to create a stronger, better elasticity and tougher hair. The hair cuticles will be sealed in if there are any gaps or holes detected in them, and the region surrounding the hair shaft will be shielded to prevent further harm. However, the answer to the question “Can protein treatments harm hair?” is that excessive usage of these treatments may have certain “side effects”. Your first step should be determining how often the protein treatment has to be done – and adhering to it. Adding too much protein to your hair may make it feel dry, brittle, and stiff.

Additionally, a deep conditioning treatment should always be used after most protein treatments to replenish moisture and prevent your hair strands from becoming brittle and stiff. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that the majority of hair protein treatments should only be used on hair that is damaged rather than minimally damaged or healthy hair that is just slightly dry or damaged.

Keratin treatment Singapore

How to Assess Need of Protein in Your Hair?

Human hair consists of 95% of protein which is named keratin which makes up the structure of the hair shaft giving the strength and shape of the hair.

The protein in the hair breaks down when it is exposed to natural elements, such as the wind, sun, rain, heat, and certain chemicals. The hair gradually loses elasticity and strength and starts to have hair breakage. Treating your hair with proteins is the only method for hair restoration.

Many individuals who have had their hair chemically treated will wonder whether they need to have protein treatment since their hair isn’t natural. The recommendation is that you need a regular protein treatment, particularly for your chemically treated hair, as long as you have hair on your head. Whether your hair is relaxed, natural, artificially colored, etc., protein treatment is necessary. That bridge enables you to reestablish any broken protein bonds that may have resulted from the application of chemical dyes, relaxer, etc. So, a protein treatment is necessary.

Keratin treatment Singapore

Signs that a protein treatment is necessary for your hair

Does your hair require protein at all? Is a question you can ask yourself before searching for the best protein treatment for your locks. A wonderful question to begin with is “A protein therapy isn’t always necessary”.

Many individuals believe that dry hair is a sign that your hair needs more protein. Protein treatments for hair are not always necessary, especially for situations just because your hair is dry. Try a moisturizing cream conditioner first if your hair is dry to try to rehydrate it. You should only try protein treatment if this emollient-based conditioner doesn’t work.

Here are five indications that your hair needs a protein treatment:

  1. The elasticity of your hair has diminished. The lack of elasticity in your hair is one of the obvious symptoms that it can benefit from some protein. Try this little hack: gently stretch a small hair strand of yours. You may need to buy yourself a hair proteins treatment if the strand doesn’t return to its original state after being stretched, or even worse if it just snapped.
  2. You’ve colored your hair. Your hair might likely benefit from a little more protein if it has been dyed excessively. The highly porous nature of dyed hair makes it considerably more prone to damage than uncolored hair. A protein treatment would assist preserve healthy, strong hair strands and strengthen color-treated hair.
  3. Shredding and breaking. Even though losing a maximum of 100 strands per day is natural and shouldn’t cause concern, frequent shedding may indicate that your hair is protein-deficient. especially if this hair isn’t coming from the root and lacks a white bulb. As a result, your hair is brittle and breaks easily, thus may need protein treatments to make it stronger.
  4. Your hair is stringy, gummy and limp. Another indication that your hair can benefit from some protein love is if it is flat, limp, or stringy. Your hair will seem noticeably less droopy thanks to protein’s ability to revitalize the strands.
  5. High porosity hair. If your hair is very high in porosity, there may be microscopic openings and cracks in the hair strands that increase its susceptibility to damage. Tangles and frizz may be frequent problems with this kind of hair since it often absorbs too much water. Porous hair may be nourished and have the gaps sealed with the aid of a protein treatment. Uncertain if your hair is porous? Put a strand of your hair in a shallow dish of water to test it. It is highly porous if the hair sinks.

Asking for professional recommendation at your salon is a great option if you’re still unsure about whether your mane needs a protein boost. For someone who is completely new to protein treatment and may have questions about requiring one, getting protein treatment at the hair salon is certainly a good starting point.

You’ll feel more confident doing a hair protein treatment at home after receiving advice or treatment from a professional hairdresser (although, some protein treatments are more intense and should be left to the professionals).

If your hair feels brittle, excessively soft, or lifeless, it probably requires a protein treatment. It’s time for a protein treatment, especially if it feels like products aren’t working and also no amount of moisture is improving the appearance or feel of your hair.

Why does protein matter for hair?

Does protein aid in the growth of hair? Does keratin lead to hair loss or thinning? Do I need keratin or protein for my hair? What kind of protein treatment or mask is even necessary? Your hair is composed of protein, after all. Keratin is one such protein; it accounts for 85% of your hair. Your hair’s strength is maintained by keratin, which is hard and fibrous.

Our hair requires a balanced mix of protein and moisture to sustain a healthy growth cycle, according to scientific studies.

Healthy, strong hair strands are those with no breakage or damage.

Protein masks & treatments are one method to achieve the results of no hair damage or breakage. They build a defense against harsh chemical and environmental elements. To restore damage, protein treatment filled in the opening in the hair cuticle. The result is beautiful, strong hair.

Does your hair need moisture or protein?

Brittle hair, frizzy hair, split ends or even breakage or hair loss are all caused by harsh chemicals, frequent manipulation of the hair by the usage of high-temperature styling tools and environmental elements. But when is protein treatment necessary and when is deep conditioning necessary? When does your hair feel the need of protein and moisture? The warning indicators are as follows:

After hair washing, the appearance of hair is lifeless, clumped and limp which are all indications of protein deficiency.

A lack of elasticity, or hair that breaks rather than bounces back, also indicates a lack of protein.

You may need protein if your hair strands shed or drop more often or break more frequently.

Your hair may become dry and brittle if you use a lot of chemical treatment and protective styles like braids, weaves, and crochet braids. Hair protein and moisturizing treatment are essential.

Depending on your hair type, how frequently should you apply a protein treatment?

The frequency of you applying a protein hair treatment is dependent on your hair type? What is the duration of a protein hair treatment? Before beginning your new hair care routine, it is important to ask the questions for better understanding. When it is performed every 4 to 6 weeks, protein treatment is beneficial. Moreover, using it more often will not enhance the effectiveness; in fact, doing so may cause damage and cause hair loss. It is also important to read the label on a protein treatment before using it to find out more and how often it should be used.

Different type of Protein Hair Treatments

There are several light or less intense protein hair treatments, such as those employing smaller amounts of protein which include homemade and commercial hair products (protein shampoos and conditioners, protein hair masks, protein hair styling products, etc. ). You may also request deep-conditioning protein treatments that are more intense and stronger. Another kind of protein treatment is extremely intense and complex, thus should only be carried out by trained professionals in salons since it uses potent chemicals (keratin treatment, cysteine treatment, etc.).

Protein Hair Treatment Benefits

Therefore, each protein therapy helps to restore the protein that has been lost from the hair shaft. More benefits

– Protein treatments for low porosity hair that is done properly soften the hair and allow the hair cuticle to open up, allowing moisture to enter the hair shaft.

– Protein treatments for relaxed hair assist to strengthen the hair and restore its elasticity while reducing hair breakage.

– Your hair will be thicker, longer, and have more body and volume if you use a protein treatment for hair growth.

– Protein treatment for damaged hair will help to condition the hair deeply and thoroughly while also strengthening it.

– Protein treatments for hair with high porosity assist to keep the hair looking smooth and silky by securing moisture inside the hair shaft.

– Hair becomes less frizzy and more manageable.

Different Between Protein Treatment and Keratin Treatment

  1. You may prevent hair damage, strengthen your hair, and make it lustrous and manageable by getting protein or keratin treatments.
  2. The majority of your hair is made of keratin, a kind of protein. Keratin treatments are within the category of protein treatments.