Do you feel like your hair is glued together all the time? Do you constantly struggle with “bed head,” which won’t hold a style? If this is the case, your comatose and floppy locks are trying to tell you that you need to consider changing your hair care regimen more drastically.

This article will highlight a few different things that you may do to solve the issues that you are having with your hair and turn your unruly hair into gorgeous soft curls. We will explore the factors that led to your hair being tangled, discuss the various detangling products and techniques available to you, and lastly we will discuss the steps you can take to prevent your hair from becoming tangled again in the future.

damaged hair type 2

Why Does Your Hair Cling Together Like Glue?

There are a few possible explanations for why your hair could appear to be stuck together, including the following:

Hair Knots

hair knot

When two strands of hair wrap around one another and get tangled or intertwined with one another, this is called a hair knot. The knot could become more obvious and difficult if the strands are tangled.

Hair strands are shedding every day and it is considered a normal life cycle of the hair. If the hair is smooth and straight, your scalp will immediately release it. But damaged hair is often not smooth and the reason for this is because the cuticles don’t lay flat.

Therefore, when this loose hair is released from the scalp, they tend to wrap around other hair strands instead of dropping out, hence resulting in hair knots.

Additionally, rubbing your hair against certain surfaces, like towels, might cause knots. Moreover, it is one of the causes of your bedhead tangles.

Any types of hair may develop knots, however the following types tend to do form knots more frequently:

Dry hair

dry hair type

  • Hair which is prone to hair breakage
  • Heat-damaged hair
  • Naturally curly hair
  • Hair which is frequently exposed to hot styling tools
  • Long hair

Stringy hair

stringy hair

Stringy hair is typically healthy hair that turns oily due to the hair shaft having too much sebum which has caused the hair strands to stick together resembling  strand of strings. Stringy hair is a typical problem for individual with thin or fine hair with a wavy or straight texture as it is easier for the sebum to flow down the shaft of hair. However, if the hair is not taken care properly, curly hair texture can also be stringy.

In certain situations, dry or damaged hair from heat styling, curly or wavy hair may also appear stringy when brushed. Any hair type that has damaged ends runs the risk of becoming stringy since split ends may cause hair strands to separate rather than lie smoothly together. Stringy hair is often due to overusing of hair products or hair oils. Hair loss may make the hair appear thinner and, as a result, it will also look stringier.

Hair Webbing

hair webbing

When your hair takes on the look of webs, this condition is referred to as “hair webbing.” A matrix of intertwined, entangled hair is formed when individual strands of hair latch onto and adhere to those of nearby strands. Webbing is a common hair condition that a large number of individuals who have naturally curly hair will have experienced at some point in their lives, and for a considerable proportion of these curly hair people, it is a difficulty for webbing to go away.

Let’s focus our attention now on the several causes that might account for webbing. Webbing in the hair may be caused by a number of circumstances, including the following:

Hair Webbing Reasons


product buildup on hair

A significant number of girls and women with curly hair use hair treatments that tend to be very sticky in order to define their hair. However, if you use these hair products often and do not thoroughly wipe them out, they may accumulate on your hair and give it a web-like appearance. In addition, the buildup may create other issues in addition to webbing, including causing the hair strands to break.


dry hair type

It’s also possible that dehydration is the cause for hair webbing. If you deprive your hair of constant moisture and hydration, the structure of your hair will begin to change. In addition, as time passes, your cuticles get damaged and raised, which results in impaired hair, which is what causes hair webbing in the majority of cases. The elevated cuticles that are upstretched will behave like Velcro and hook onto the other raised cuticles. You will get severe hair webs after a few days or weeks.

Split ends

split ends - Hair Critics

Have you ever noticed that when you need a haircut, the ends of your hair seem to congregate together? This is because hair webbing can also be caused by split ends, which explains why it looks like that. The term “brittle wavy hair” is associated with split ends, and split ends have the annoying behaviour of making your hair difficult to disentangle.

Infrequent Detangling

Many ladies have worn their hair in protective hairstyles that are suitable in the majority of circumstances. If you are wearing your hair ends tucked away, your hair is in a protective hairstyle. This is vital as your hair ends are the most fragile and oldest part of the hair strand. Thus, if you wear the hairstyle too long, your hair roots may tangle with hair that has fallen out. thereby leading to hair webbing.

You probably know why your hair is tangled like glue now that you’ve read about the causes of knots, stringy hair, and webbing. But if you haven’t, keep reading to learn how to solve your issue.

Solutions for Stringy Hair, Hair Webbing and Knots?


hair knot

You may be tempted to grab a brush and try to remove the knots on your head. However, it is advisable to create a well-thought-out, effective strategy for tangles and knots removal in order to reduce any possible hair breaking.

Using a detangling spray that suits your hair type is the key to getting rid of knots.

Most of the detangling sprays are used on wet or dry hair without the need for further rinsing.

How Can Knots Be Removed?

Start the process by using a detangling spray meant for your particular hair type. The purpose of detangling hair products is to lubricate your hair strands, making it easier to separate the knotted hairs.

Many hair detangling products provide you the option to use them on wet or dry hair. To avoid the detangling spray running off your hair, make sure your hair is not soaking wet.

Partition the hair into four sections. On the other hand, if your hair is wavy, you could need more sections. Use a clip to secure all the sections in place.

Pull the hair away from the scalp one section at a time while gently holding it firm.

Spray the detangling hair product on that section of hair and allow it to soak in for a while.

After that, use a comb to gently untie the knot. Starting from the bottom, gently work your way up to the edges. Repeat the action many times if necessary.

Remove the clips after combing all the sections, then use a wide-tooth comb to run through the hair many more times.

You don’t need to rinse, despite what the detangling spray may indicate otherwise. Style the hair as normal after allowing the hair to desiccate.

Stringy Hair

stringy hair

Below you can find a list of solutions for stringy hair if it is causing your to be distress over it, including:

Using a Serum for Hair Thickening

Using a hair thickening serum is one of the best ways to get rid of stringy hair. Keratin is a common ingredient in thickening serums, which adds thickness, lustre, and volume.

After massaging a small amount to damp hair between your hands, use a brush to distribute it evenly throughout your hair. To achieve the most body hair volume and brush out, be sure to use a hair dryer to blow dry air over the hair while it is upside down until it is dry.

Have the Correct Conditioner and Shampoo for Your Type of Hair

If you are having fine hair, it is essential to get a conditioner or shampoo specifically formulated for fine hair. Otherwise, your hair could get stringy. Why? Many hair products are made for hair that is coarser. While it is great if you have coarse and thick hair as all the moisture will just weigh down your fine hair and result in stringy hair.

Follow the “Ear Rule” of Conditioning Your Hair

Despite using a conditioner for thin or fine hair, you could still end up with stringy hair if you have applied the conditioner to your hair roots. Your roots are hydrated naturally by the oil of your scalp, thus they do not require any extra moisture. Hence any further conditioning to your roots will just cause you to have stringy hair. Instead, abide by the “ear rule” by just applying the conditioner to your hair under the level of your ear.

Be Cautious with Hairstyling Products

When using any products for hairstyling, a bit will go a long way on thin or fine hair. Just as too intense conditioner will cause fine hair to be lifeless and the same will go for too much styling product in the hair.

For any styling products application, utilize a light hand (with reference to a dime-size quantity of gels and serums) as well as using a comb for even distribution of the product. But seeing on the brighter side – using lesser products indicates that you will not need to purchase products as often!

Purchase a Dry Shampoo

Spray dry shampoo to target the hair roots if your hair appears stringy between washes. The benefit of using dry shampoo is that it absorbs more oil, giving your hair more body and bounce. After using the dry shampoo, quickly blast the hair roots with the blow dryer for more volume.

Using a Boar Bristle Brush

Boar Bristle Brush Benefits for Healthy Hair | Carla Lawson

Think about changing out your plastic hair brush for a natural boar bristle. Natural bristles will enable even distribution of the oil in the scalp throughout your hair, which will maintain your hair to be moisturized and keep stringiness away. Moreover, a boar bristle will not cause your hair to be full of static unlike a plastic brush will.

Hair Webbing

hair webbing

Fixing webbing is simpler than you would have thought, especially with the right information. You may use the guaranteed answers we’ll go through in the sections below to fix webbing quickly.

Carry Out a Deep Conditioning Treatment

Image result for conditioner your hair

There are numerous deep conditioners that you may want to try. Deep conditioners have the power to revive even the most parched curls in a matter of seconds. However, make sure you choose a deeply moisturising conditioner that is loaded with hair humectants and hydrating oils to get rid of dryness.

Moisturize and Seal Method

If you have never conditioned and wrapped your hair before, you are really losing out. For those with very porous hair that does not cling to moisture for many days, this method works wonders.

It requires using a moisturiser followed by a sealant for a couple of days. The majority of women discover that their hair has less dryness and knots after they start moisturising and sealing it each cleaning day because their hair is receiving adequate moisture.

Get Trims

split ends

Regular haircuts are required if you want to prevent webs from forming in your hair. The frayed edges are held in control by trims, which also lessen the “velcro” look. As a result, you should receive a haircut targeting at the hair ends every four to five months. However, if you use heat styling tools on your hair, you should have even more frequent cuts.

Preventions From Having Your Hair Stuck Like Glue

Using a Satin pillowcase

silk pillowcase

When you move your head back and forth on a pillow, you chafe your hair follicles, which causes your hair to get very tangled together like glue. On the other hand, sleeping on a satin pillowcase will help your hair keep its smoothness while you are sleeping.

Before you go to bed, make sure that your hair is done up in braids.

Before going to bed, braiding your hair is the simplest thing you can do to avoid knots from forming in your hair while you sleep. This strategy works just as well with a single massive braid as it does with a number of smaller ones.

Stop Using a Towel to Rub Your Hair

When you rub your wet hair with a towel to remove the moisture, you cause damage and breakage to your hair, which increases the likelihood that it will get tangled. Instead, you should wrap a towel over your head so that you may gently absorb the moisture.

Get Frequent Trims

Getting your hair trimmed once every two months will help you avoid getting split ends in your hair. Getting rid of damaged and degraded hair makes it easier for your hair to shed, which in turn leads to less tangles.

Final Remarks

It’s possible for any of us to end up with hair that’s stuck together like glue. Nevertheless, it is to be predicted in cases when the hair is brittle, wavy, long, or dry. You have a number of options available to you in order to prevent your hair from sticking together. Utilizing hair products that are suited to your particular hair type is also very important. Keep in mind, however, that time and patience are still quite important!