Have tried everything from homemade remedies to costly and time-consuming treatments to reverse your hair’s loss and still haven’t succeeded? Losing hair can trigger stress, anxiety and in a few cases , depression. The majority of products offer temporary solutions, but often fall short of what is expected. Hair transplants are among the most effective methods to boost hair growth. But, it’s an expensive price. Many people believe that this hair transplant procedure aids in restoring not only hair, but also confidence. The article we’ll discuss the costs associated with hair transplants as well as the various techniques that are available, as well as alternative options.

What is the Cost of A Hair Transplantation procedure?

The price of a hair transplantation procedure could range between $8000 and $18,000 in Singapore depending on the type of procedure. The two most well-known procedures for hair transplants include FUT (follicular unit transplantation) or FUE (follicular unit extraction). FUT is less expensive than FUE. However, your surgeon will determine the best procedure to suit your needs.

There are many aspects that impact the price in hair transplants.

Surgeon: Because it’s an extremely skilled procedure, the price is certainly determined by the surgeon, the client reviews they have received and their experience. Clinics that have branded names have standard prices and offer discounts at times. It is essential to review the client testimonials and research the procedure for recovering before deciding your surgeon.

Quantity: The quantity of hair you’d like to transfer will play a significant part in the price. If you just want to add just a few patches, the price will be significantly reduced.

Place: The location (whether it’s located in a particular country or even an area with a high-end price) can also affect the mark-up price for the procedure. The prices vary between different places, and it’s crucial to find out the local prices and the average cost before deciding to undergo hair transplants.

Hair transplantation is considered a cosmetic surgery that isn’t covered as a medical procedure unless resulted from trauma or burns. Talk to your health insurance provider and surgeon to know the costs that are involved. It will be contingent on your insurance coverage, as well as other factors.

Let’s now examine the various types of hair transplant procedures that are available.

Different Types Of Hair Transplants

Based on your hair pattern of growth, the extent of loss in your hair, and the history of your hair loss in the past, you’ll be recommended one of the options that are listed below. The doctor will review your history of medical conditions, your physical health, and risk factors to determine which method is the best for your needs. 

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation or Strip Method): When your scalp is cleansed thoroughly, the surgeon will remove hair from the more hairy areas of your scalp and implant them in the areas of your scalp that are balding. This is why the surgeons transplant “strips” of your hair follicles. It gives you an overall more natural and fuller appearance. The procedure requires incisions. It is then closed using stitches. The stitches usually disappear in 7-10 days following surgery. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It’s less expensive compared to FUE but the recovery time will be longer. 

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction or Grafting) This technique in which hair follicles of individual hair are grafted by creating little incisions across the scalp with the needle. It will consume more time and requires the skill to put several hundred thousands of follicles on your scalp with accuracy and precision. In general, this kind of hair transplantation takes between 4 to 5 hours, based on the quantity of hair follicles grafted and extracted. Based on the requirements of the clients, it may take several sessions for hair transplantation in this manner.

No matter which method you select, there will be a period recovery you’ll need following surgery.

What Is The Recovery Time?

The time to recovery from hair transplantation differs from individual to individual depending on the kind of transplant technique used and the number of grafts and the area of hair transplantation. It could take up to nine months before hair begins to fill in and takes the root. It is possible to experience loss of hair initially, but eventually, the hair will begin to regrow gradually. Regular visits to your doctor could be required to make any necessary touching up to ensure the most effective outcomes. It is a long process to recover from a hair transplantation procedure. The scars will heal within several months, and are covered with hair, hence making it difficult to discern.

The time needed to recover is crucial for recovering from surgery. Learn about the hidden costs you could require to plan for post surgery.

Possible Costs After A Transplant Surgery

You may experience swelling, pain, or an uncomfortable tightness sensation on your scalp. The expense of dressings and bandages, in addition to after-surgery medicine, like anti-inflammatory medications or painkillers must be taken into consideration.

As infections and bleeding occur commonly following this procedure, taking antibiotics can also increase your costs.

Many touch-up sessions could be necessary to get the desired appearance. This could be an expense you’ll have to pay for after the surgery, in addition to travel costs.

Every surgical procedure is accompanied by complications and risks. This is the case also for hair transplants. Continue reading to learn more.

Complications and Risks

The risks associated with having a hair transplantation comprise the following:

The most commonly-cited risk with these hair transplant procedures is infection. In such instances it is recommended to take antibiotics after surgery.

Hair transplants can trigger inflammation. The symptoms of inflammation are itching, redness and irritation of the scalp. Anti-inflammatory medications can ease itching and soothe the scalp.

The post-transplant pain medication is prescribed when the anesthesia effects have worn off. The risks associated with taking anesthesia can include nausea and vomiting, chills, confusion and a sore throat.

A serious major complication that can result from a hair transplantation is nerve damage, which can result in the sensation loss permanently. This is why it is essential to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon.

The allergic reactions that result from anesthesia are uncommon and rare, but could be fatal. It is important to discuss the matter with the doctor prior to the procedure, and make sure that they have a certified anesthesiologist present.

Smokers are at a higher risk of having complications following this procedure. It is advised to stop smoking cigarettes if you plan to undergo an operation to transplant your hair.

It is not possible for everyone to afford surgery right away. There are non-surgical interventions that you could consider to help you in the interim. Learn details about these in the following section!

Other Alternatives

You could try using hair pieces, wigs or even extensions. This can give you the benefit of changing your look whenever you wish!

Medicines like minoxidil (rogaine) and finasteride (propecia) are used extensively to treat hair loss.

The growth of hair can be stimulated with low-level laser therapy too.

These may not be as effective as hair transplantation, but they could aid to a certain degree.


Hair transplants are an important procedure to treat loss of hair. The various factors like the kind of procedure employed and the surgeon’s experience, as well as the location of the surgery will affect the price of hair transplants. The cost can vary between $8000 and $18,000. Despite the recovery time, the cost and the potential risks most people would prefer this option over other options such as hair wigs and medications.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the hair transplant process last?

A hair transplant can last a lifetime. A hair transplant that is done properly can last for several years because the new hair grows just like the natural hair. A healthy diet and proper hygiene can aid in maintaining the hair transplant.

Are hair transplants successful?

Hair transplantation procedures have a high successful rate particularly FUE transplants. Hair transplants can be effective for treating hair thinning or patches of baldness, as well as extreme hair loss.

Which kind of hair transplants are more expensive – FUE, or FUT?

In general FUE is more costly than FUT because it is a procedure that requires individual grafts. So, the cost will be based on the amount of grafts required.